Thursday 27 January 2011

Existing Newspaper Posters

The Guardian World Cup poster

This poster was used as part of The guardians world cup campaign , it uses the corner of a football pitch to clearly show the poster is relating to football. The poster uses numerous colours to capture the readers attention.

The poster illustrates that the Guardian newspaper will be capturing the World cup in full detail in which they list all the features they would be including in their newspaper.

In addition , the use of the phrase 'Obsessive detail' identifies the Guardians stance in showing that they would be covering the World cup in full detail and stating the case that their the best newspaper to follow the World cup.

The Times Ballet Campaign

This poster campaign shows a ballerina in sequence in which in the middle she is reading a newspaper. The phrase that is used is 'a short, sharp read' with 'The Times' logo following. 

The poster focuses on the athleticism of the ballerina in which a ballerina sequence is short but requires perfection. The Times is almost saying through this poster that their newspaper is essential to read , in which she incorporates it as part of her routine. 

The Shropshire Star : RAF Cosford Air Show

This poster was used as part of The Shropshire Star : RAF Cosford Air show. The use of a paper plane shows that it was in relation to upcoming air show. The poster shows the newspaper masthead to ensure the audience knows who the poster is coming from.

The use of the words 'up there' relates with the aeroplane which also tells the audience that is in relation to the air show.

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